Cisco NAT Configuration

Static NAT

  • Set inside and outside interfaces
    • #conf t
    • (config)#int f0/1
    • (config-if)#ip nat outside
    • (config-if)#int f0/0
    • (config-if)#ip nat inside
  • Set the translation for inside and out side
    • (config-if)#exit
    • (config)#ip nat inside source static [insideLocalIP] [InsideGlobalIP]
      • Inside Local address – Actual configured IP address on the inside host OS
      • Inside global address – NAT’d address of inside host as it will be reached/seen by the outside network.
  • Verify translation
    • (config)#end
    • #show ip nat translation

Dynamic NAT

  • Set interface with clients that will use the pool as an inside interface
    • #conf t
    • (config)#int f1/0
    • (config-if)#ip nat inside
  • Set dynamic pool
    • (config-if)#exit
    • (config)#ip nat pool [name of pool] [startingIPaddess] [endingIPaddress] netmask [subnet]
  • Create an access list for the allow addresses to use the pool
    • (config)#access-list [Accesslist#] deny|permit|remark [protocol] [IpAddress] [Wildcard Mask]
  • Associate the access list with the NAT pool
    • (config)#ip nat inside source list [accesslist#] pool [poolname]
  • Verify traffic
    • show ip nat translation
  • Enable Port Address Translation so the last IP address in the range can be reused when all address have been allocated.
    • Add the “overload flag at the end of the associate command
    • (config)#ip nat inside source list [accesslist#] pool [poolname] overload

Port Address Translation (PAT)

  • Remove address from Router Interface and configure it to use DHCP
    • #conf t
    • (config)#int f0/0
    • (config-if)#no ip address
    • (config-if)#ip address dhcp
  • Configure NAT
    • Repeat the assigning interfaces inside and outside
    • Create access-list
    • (config)#ip nat inside source interface f0/0 overload
  • Verify Nat translation
    • #show ip nat trans
  • Show nat statistics
    • #show ip nat stat